Playing derby has evolved.
Roller derby is “a fast-paced, full-contact team sport that requires speed, strategy, and athleticism”. It is played wearing roller skates and full protective gear including a helmet and mouthguard.
It's about dedication, perseverance, patience, endurance, hard work and of course, lots of fun!
As with most derby leagues, our skaters move through specific 'star levels', which reflect the skaters' skill and experience. Most people will start out at the entry level (Rookie) and will progress through the star levels as their skills increase. It typically takes 6 - 12 months for someone to reach a 'Travel Team-level' (Blue Star).
Our pre-bouting level (Rookie and White Stars) training programs are based on the WFDTA (Women's Flat Track Derby Association) Minimum Skills for Roller Derby. To learn more about our Star Level system, please see the Star Level page.
If you are interested in joining TVR, then come along to one of our Rookie Intakes. Like our Facebook page so you won't miss the next one!
These are AT YOUR OWN RISK sessions and you'll need to complete an online waiver beforehand.
We strongly encourage those who have little to no skating experience, to first attend some 'Learn to Skate' sessions at Epic Skate Rink. In addition, you can also improve your skating and fitness levels before you join Rookies, by signing up to Epic's SKATE FIT classes. For more information about these programs, please check out Epic Skate's website.
We also have a Facebook group especially for our Rookies where you can communicate with your coach and our Rookie mentors along with the other Rookies in your group, once you come along to a session we'll provide you details
Our club is run entirely by us. Please keep in mind it is an expectation and requirement that you get involved and take on a volunteer role as many hands make light work.
Additionally we have a Code of Conduct, which we are all expected to abide by, it is nothing unreasonable and can be reviewed under Forms and Policies or via this link .
Once you are a member you can join our Members facebook group, a link will be provided via email once you register.
You can also contact us via email or via Msg to our FB page. Here's a link.
Hope to see you soon.