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Forms & Policies
Forms & Policies Club Constitution Coaches Code of Behaviour Co-Captains Regulation Code of Conduct Discipline and Grievance Regulation Dual Membership Policy Fees and Finances Regulation Members Regulation Payment - Non Member/ Bouting Level Training Session Payment - Non Member /No or Low Contact Training Session Skater Team Contract Special Consideration - Member logon required Training Policy
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2024 - OLD Code of Conduct
Mon 01 Jan 2024 09:00 — Fri 13 Dec 2024 09:00
As required
Event information
This event has passed.
Please read below before Registering; your Registration is acknowledgement that you have read and understand.
Code of Conduct
reviewed and amended Feb 2020
Basic Rules
Tweed Valley Rollers operates under the ethos “For the Skater, By the Skater”.
The kind of culture Tweed Valley Rollers (TVR) Roller Derby wishes to create values loyalty, friendship, personal growth, empowerment and health: furthermore encourages its members to always exercise tolerance, patience, positivity, understanding and consideration.
Personalities that lend themselves towards being abusive, bullies, gossips, manipulators or elitists will not find themselves welcome here.
TVR members must maintain an aura of self-respect and integrity to help build a great reputation as a derby club and as a sport. At scrimmage, training, bouts, street skating and generally representing TVR, members are expected to be in control of their behaviour and as such are to interact appropriately with the opposition, referees, non skating officials, spectators, sponsors or the general public.
TVR Coaches are held accountable to the “TVR Coaches Code of Conduct” - providing protection for members and coaches. Mutual respect is expected. You are required to listen to your coaches, please do not interject or interrupt.
Your opinions, suggestions and concerns are important and welcome and should be delivered in an appropriate, sensitive and definitely discreet manner. Please utilise the TVR Mediation Policy for serious grievances and common sense and courtesy for anything else.
TVR are not to make comment in public about other clubs and other club members that may damage relations between TVR and those other clubs.
Gossip, personal insults, blatant disrespect towards another skater (especially TVR members) and any other petty behaviour that is hurtful towards teamship will not be tolerated in or outside the club and repeated infractions will result in punitive measures or even dismissal.
Likewise attempts to manipulate another member’s opinion of a person, or to discuss club decisions negatively will not be tolerated.
Members of the Board are not above the rules and are expected to serve as role models.
You skate with TVR at your own risk. It is recognised as an extreme style of sport and you know that by participating in this sport you are exposing yourself to risk of injury or worse.
Each skater fully releases and indemnifies any rink or sporting venue where TVR trains, scrimmages, bouts or appears and all staff and personnel therein, and/or general public in attendance from any liability of injury while practicing or competing regardless of cause.
Protective gear is required during all contact training sessions, scrimmages and bouts. Mouthguard; elbow pads, kneepads, wrist guards and helmets are all mandatory protective gear. Skaters will be unable to skate if they do not have the necessary protective gear with them for the fore mentioned events.
It is your responsibility to know how to use and care for your own equipment. Impacted helmets or inadequate padding are not safe and will not be accepted during scrimmages, bouts or contact training sessions.
Skating under the influence of drugs or alcohol will not be permitted at scrimmages, training sessions, or bouts. If a skater is found to be using any substance before or during these events they will be suspended from the event and the incident will be reported in writing to the club and filed as a written complaint.
All members must abide by the TVR code of conduct, constitution and regulations.
Roller derby requires time, energy and commitment. It requires you to be dedicated to the process of constant learning and to bettering yourself whilst respecting measures that promote safety of yourself and others. Bouting eligibility due to attendance percentage is dependant on the team contract signed annually.
TVR is not responsible for any cost incurred while the skater is out on injury. This includes but is not limited to doctor’s notes, prescription or over the counter medications, hospital bills or any other costs not covered by the skater’s insurance plan.
Public Disclosure
There will be no sharing of private club sensitive information without permission from the Board. Club sensitive information includes but is not restricted to, agenda's, meeting minutes, training schedules and footage, financial records and mediation information.
Sharing club sensitive material outside of the club may incur a warning, punishment or even dismissal.
The club must approve public appearances and interviews.
No individual skater is to accept money or make arrangements on behalf of TVR for services rendered, appearances, and/or interviews or any other business on behalf of TVR without approval from the Board.
If selected to play against other clubs, you must attend these bouts in the correct uniform.
However hard we try to create a culture of peace we understand that disputes can happen, so in the spirit of sportspersonship, TVR recommends that to avoid the need to submit a formal complaint, any members who have personal differences or disputes should attempt to resolve the issue on their own first.
If this fails skaters are encouraged to utilize TVR mediation by notifying a Board member you can talk to maybe they can help.
If mediation fails skaters may file a written complaint.
To avoid unnecessary gossip, conflict should not be shared with other parties.
Any skater not participating in good sportspersonship-like behaviour will be subject to dismissal from the club in accordance with dismissal guidelines.
Sexual Harassment
The Commonwealth Sex Discrimination Act makes sexual harassment unlawful.
A person is sexually harassed if he or she feels frightened, offended, angry or humiliated by another person's behaviour that is sexual in nature. Sexual harassment can happen to anyone, regardless of his or her sex or age.
Sexual harassment is unwanted and unwelcome sexual attention. It may be sexual harassment when someone:
Stares or leers at a person
Persists in asking a person out after they have said no
Tells dirty jokes or displays offensive print material in a person's presence
Makes unwelcome comments about a person's sex life
Touches or brushes against a person on purpose, in an unwanted sexual nature.
Tries to force a person to have sex.
Sexual harassment will not be tolerated at TVR and can result in a written warning or immediate nomination for dismissal. Any incidents of sexual harassment should be taken straight to the Board.
Support Members, Family and Friends
TVR conducts closed training sessions and while we encourage your friends and family to support and observe, by extension, they must also adhere to this code of conduct while attending closed training sessions.
Breaches to the Code of Conduct will result in:
First instance – verbal warning.
Second instance – written warning.
Third Instance - Expulsion from club.
I am a member of TVR and have read carefully and understand this declaration, warrant, waiver and release, and having done so, I sign voluntarily.
MEDICAL RELEASE: I consent to receiving any medical, such as first aid, treatment that Tweed Valley Rollers or the Event Organiser considers reasonably necessary during or after the activities.
PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: As an activities participant I hereby agree to wear suitable protective equipment, as requested, at all times whilst I am taking part in any roller skating activities.
DECLARATION FOR ADULTS: I warrant and certify that I am the person named below and am capable of participating. I confirm that I have read and understand the above declaration, warranty and release and that I agree, to be bound by each of those conditions having done so, I sign voluntarily.